Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Po-ta-to or Po-tot-o?

Since moving to the South, I have noticed several pronunciation differences in various words, as well as usage differences. Here are a few:
  • Rastlin' (rass-lin) - a variant form of 'wrestle'
  • Shurf (shũrf) - a person who wears a badge; also known as 'sheriff'
  • Chile (chīl) - a small baby; with the 'd' left off; also called 'child'
  • Toboggan (te-bog´en or toe-bog΄en) - typically understood as a type of sled elsewhere in the United States, but here, apparently, a stocking cap
  • Vul - as in Asheville or Louisville; in the North, preferrably pronounced 'ville,' not 'vul'

More to come...

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