I was perusing through a Christian book store the other day and it was fairly obvious that the store was no longer a 'book store.' It should be called a 'Christian knick-knack store.' Percentage-wise, only 5% of the items in the store were books, maybe less. The remaining 95% was total junk: cheesy t-shirts, necklaces, ornaments, stuffed animals, and the like. Half of the junk for sale I daresay Goodwill wouldn't take. Furthermore, the books in the book store were nearly worthless as well. No theology, history, leadership, or spiritual disciplines books are to be found. Instead, one can find Christian romance, Christian fiction, fluffy devotionals, and a few biographies (of G.W. Bush, Condolezza Rice, and Billy Graham). That is all.
Of course, maybe I shouldn't be so hard. Perhaps Amazon has run book stores out of the business. On the other hand, getting people to read is nearly like pulling teeth. Or maybe these 'book stores' are simply supplying what the Christian consumer wants, which is really scary. But let's not call them 'book stores,' but 'knick-knack stores,' or perhaps 'Christian junk stores.' That felt good to get off my chest.
"Ameri-Christian Culture Store"
Josh, you make a good point. You will shoot me for this, but reading this reminded me of an episode that Bre will love. Ask her about Julia and the bookstore and the suction cup Garfield. So sorry you have such a warped M-I-L.
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