Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Men and Their Bodies

What is it with men who do not know the names of their own body parts? I am sure there are many misidentified body parts, but the one that drives me nuts is the 'prostate,' or 'prostrate,' as it is more often called. When a man tells me he is having 'prostrate problems,' I want to ask, "Oh? Are you having trouble lying in the prone position? Try sitting in a chair instead." I mean, come on! If you are having problems with a body part, at least get the name right. I had a former pastor who referred to the prostate as the prostrate from the pulpit! This doesn't exactly instill confidence in the pastor's abilities. Yikes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

JEH writes:

Oh and don't forget bugglers and Bugger King.