Over the New Year break, BreAne and I did some small projects. The top picture is of the dining room set (given to us by our senior pastor's son) that we reupholstered. The second picture is of the wardrobe closet courtesy of IKEA (Burly will be happy); we spent Saturday in Atlanta and on the road picking up the closet. The bottom picture is a 'before' photo of our bathroom (with the previous cabinets removed) and the middle photo is the 'after,' the cabinet also courtesy of IKEA.
It all looks so beautiful. The table and chairs are georgeous. Dad is impressed with getting the cabinet in the bathroom. He said you proably didn't have much wiggle room when putting it together. What a difference in the look of the 2nd bedroom with your new closets. I bet you are exhausted but definately so proud.
Great job kiddos.
PS, I can't believe you didn't want to paint the bathroom that lovely green that was behind the cabinet!!!
I'm proud of you young man. Ikea has been generous to us both.
Wow, what a great improvement in both the study and the bathroom. All those hours working for Tom has certainly paid off in your home. I LOVE your new dining room set--a wonderful improvement and a nice job of recovering the chair seats. Your home sure doesn't look like the one Rae and I saw in July 2005! JEH
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