Monday, January 21, 2008

Fiona and Further Musings

This latest video is of Fiona playing with her inflatable ball. It is amusing; at least it was for her.

I have not included any meaningless rantings lately, so the time is upon us. I was assigned to read the book, Shaped By the Word: The Power of Scripture in Spiritual Formation, by M. Robert Mulholland, Jr., for an upcoming class. First of all, I seem to have a bias against books that are "spiritual formation" books. They tend to leave a bad taste in my mouth. I need to state this up front lest you think I am a mere objective observer. Anyway, needless to say, I found the book odd. The author's thesis is that one needs to read Scripture 'formationally' instead of 'informationally' and allow God to shape our understanding of the text. You must "allow the [Scripture] passage to open to you its deepest dimensions, its multiple layers of meaning (p. 56)."

Firstly, I am not sure one can distinguish information from formation. I understand Mulholland's point that we can read Scripture simply for information without allowing ourselves to be transformed. But, this dicotomy cannot be pressed too far. In fact, when one encounters Scripture, one must begin with information (as Mulholland puts it). The importance of authorial intent is paramount; what did the original author intend to communicate? Unfortunately, Mulholland only dedicates less than two pages to this point. One cannot proceed to transformation (which I agree that this must be reached) until one establishes what God intended to say to the original audience. If we jump directly to 'formational' reading, we inevitably become lost in a sea of ambiguity and potentially land in a reader-response approach to Scripture. I hear enough of "what this passage means to me" already. Personally, I am far too warped a person to trust myself to "what this passage means to me." But perhaps this is a too conservative approach...

Lastly, I am beginning to appreciate the communal aspect of sanctification. I think often this gets missed by spiritual formationists. The typical approach is that spiritual formation is something that God does in me and then I turn and make the world better. Oh yeah, and it takes place in the church. But study your Bible at home. By yourself. In a closet. Pray there. It's personal. I am overstating my case, to be sure, but Scripture never portrays spiritual formation as something accomplished by myself. It is inherently communal and done in the midst of brothers and sisters in Christ, as is the act of reading and interpreting Scripture. Ha! How's that for a pastoral plug! I have ranted and raved far too long. Good bye!


Burly said...

Falls a little short of a rant. It was "helpfully critical." Who assigned it?

Anonymous said...


Your Dad's musings are a little over my ability for casual reading but I sure did enjoy watching you playing with your ball. You are changing SO fast and Grandma is missing you more and more. Thanks, Mom and Dad for making new videos almost weekly for your "distance" family. Think our little babe is going to be left handed--holding the pacifier and playing with the ball. She will be her Mama's daughter!!! How awesome. Love, Gma H

Anonymous said...

First of all let me say that I can't believe that Josh is a dad. Second, Lisa and I love to watch the vidoes of Fiona. She's so cute!! I've been trying to get your guy's email address for a while but it hasn't exactly worked out. Send me a message sometime ( By the way its Dave Franks.

~Heidi 8) ~ said...

Hi Josh,
This is a very random post for your blog,for two reasons. One is that i'm Naomi's sister and two is b/c i'm actually inquiring about possibly putting on some sort of youth event with your church. I am in a Leadership Development program this year that brings us down to bryson city for 2 weeks in the end of April. There we will be doing some kayaking, hiking on the AT and then I am in charge of doing a sort of mini missions trip. We have worked in the past with The Grove Church, as there are some LDP alumni there, however we are not sure at the moment if things are going to work out there this year or not. This is why I am contacting you to see if there might be an opportunity to collaborate something with you. Anyways if you could email me that would be much appreciated and then I could give you a little clearer picture of this whole idea.