Saturday, November 03, 2007

Halloween Pictures

The above two pictures are of Fiona in her Halloween costumes. We dressed her in the peapod outfit but it was too warm for her, so we went to the fall-back costume, the pumpkin. Fiona, BreAne, Glenda, and I all went downtown to the shops for Halloween. Fiona stole the show.


Anonymous said...

Have you eaten all of the Halloween candy yet?

J.A.H. said...

I should resent that comment...but, yes, I have eaten almost all of Fiona's Halloween candy. It was good.

Rach said...

Oh, I am so glad to see new pictures! I have really missed them. She is just the most beautiful baby...I can't wait to hold her. Give her a hug and a kiss for me. I love you all.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the new pictures and video. She has changed in the 1 1/2 since we've seen her. I bet she did steal the show trick or treating. Did you even the tiniest taste of the candy with her? After all, she was the that got the candy. We are all anxious to see you 3 and to get to hold Fiona again.

All my love to all 3 of you.
Mom H

Anonymous said...

Grandma wants a video from the new Pack & Play :-)