Saturday, September 15, 2007

Pregnant BreAne

The nurses at work painted BreAne's belly on Friday. For the remainder of the day people were staring at her belly because they could see the pumpkin through her shirt. She had a lot of explaining to do. The people that knew us didn't think anything of it; they already knew we are strange. Willie's obedience training is going very well. She now knows how to sit, stay, and lay down. She is nearly up to par with me.


Anonymous said...

Hey BreAne,

Be careful, don't let someone carve the Jack-o-lantern!

By the way, this is Rich and I've had to listen to your Mom talk, talk, talk!

We've had a great weekend! Keith and I played golf last night and 2 rounds today with Jerry Trigg.

I hope things go well with your soon to be baby! Have fun having your Mom down!

See you,

Anonymous said...

Hey Baby, my little grandpumpkin is so cute!!!! I told Ellen this is my pumpkin's pumpkin. Tell the ladies at the office they are wonderfully artistic. We had such a great time this evening, everyone says hi.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Hi Baby! I love you and I think you are very cute as a pumpkin.
Aunt Rae-Rae