Because it is nearing Christmas and all, a discussion ensued at church Sunday about the Incarnation. It was evident that several people were confused over theological terminology. Being rather anal about these issues, I thought I should clarify some terminology. The term 'Incarnation' refers to God becoming man, that is, Jesus Christ. The term 'Annunciation' refers to Gabriel's announcement to Mary that she would give birth to the Christ. The 'Virgin Birth' refers to the scriptural testimony of Mary's conception of the Christ (by the Holy Spirit) even though she was a virgin. The term 'Immaculate Conception' does not refer to the Virgin Birth. It is a Catholic theological term that refers to Mary's sinlessness from her own conception (she is without original sin). Obviously Protestants reject this. Just a bit of nit-picky clarification.
More clarification. "Encarnacion" (with an "E") is Nacho's nun girlfriend in Nacho Libre.
Touché! How about Esqueleto? That's "Skeleton," right? I can't think of any theological connections, though.
Very good inforamtaion j.a.h. And all true of course.
You forgot to mention the Immaculate Receiption!!! Yeah Franco.
Glenda, I can still remember one Sunday night service at Oakland when you mentioned something about the Immaculate Reception when Pastor Miller asked a question about the Immaculate Conception; you guys had only been in CR a couple of weeks. But hey, at least it wasn't about the Cubs!
Keith says he doesn't remember that that, but says he was probably hiding under the pew from embarrassement.
By the way, new year--spring training :-)
Kyle gave me a Cubs book for Christmas--his school library was throwing it away.
I'm so excited you got all of your closets and cabinets. Can't wait to see them.
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